Why Is Everything So Cheap at Grocery Outlets?

Why Is Everything So Cheap at Grocery Outlets?

There’s a weird feeling when we walk in and see NAME BRAND products and half the price… how does that even happen? Well, it’s interesting. Today I get a chance to go into the store and break it down for you. The main reason is due to the fact the outlet stores are selling OLD product. Now, it’s not so old that it’s bad for you, it just expires sooner than in the initial stores, so it can be marked down to help clear out inventory without too much of a loss. Did you know this? Let me know in the comments if you shop at discount stores like this!

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  1. Its a best by date not expiration

  2. I buy groceries every week because 1 meal a day goes a long way but people who have a family need more longevity so they don’t have to shop every week

  3. I love Grocery Outlet!!

  4. You really think chips will go bad if you don’t eat them
    By the expiration date?

  5. @ivetterodríguez-j4k February 12, 2025 at 11:21 am

    You can make yogurt with the milk.

  6. Prices aren’t much different

  7. Those dates can say anything they could be expired already just still "look" good bc of the preservatives

  8. Milk isn’t supposed to last more than 4 days in the fridge after opening, and there’s no reason to buy milk if you don’t plan on using it, so what was the issue??🤔

  9. @shelliemathews1043 February 12, 2025 at 11:25 am

    Where are these stores? I live in Marshall texas…

  10. @chaoticcupcake7420 February 12, 2025 at 11:26 am

    We eat thru the week anyways. They should do this with all groceries lol. If it’s gonna save us money… we dont care.

  11. @KeanueAnakoni-Aukai February 12, 2025 at 11:28 am

    this guy was born yesterday..

  12. like this is a secret or something ? lol

  13. I got a horrible case of food poisoning from Johnsonville breakfast sausage. The first one tasted like it was roasted in a cars tailpipe. I was hungry after a work out so I ate another and it tasted terrible. I thought it was just a bad seasoning job so I cooked a couple more but heating them didn’t help. At this point I was deep into eating poison and the result was really bad, bright yellow stools for days and horrible discomfort. I went to the Groce Out to ask what was wrong with the sausages and they gave zero "F’s", I tried calling customer service, nothing. They just didn’t care, I don’t shop at gross out anymore.

  14. A lot of times those "expired" dates are just the last date they’re allowed to sell them.

  15. @Chicago_Toxic_Donut February 12, 2025 at 11:35 am

    Dude at the flea market wants $3 for chips. I told him cheaper at the store. 😮

  16. @miekamariehodson1731 February 12, 2025 at 11:35 am

    I cant shop there because a lot of the products expire before i can finish them

  17. "Use by" dates aren’t hard ‘n fast rules. You can easily go past the date and be completely fine. Trust me, you’ll know you *shouldn’t* consume expired milk the second you open it & catch a whiff. Stock up on some close-dated milk/bread and freeze ’em.

    Things like chips don’t taste as fresh but are still edible.

    "Expired" soda just loses its fizz. I drank a soda that expired 3 months ago and I’m still kicking.

    Conversly, organic stuff can start to spoil days before the printed "use by" date.

  18. If it makes you feel better those expiration dates are based on nothing. It’s literally a guess as to how long it’ll be ok for. Also they’re set by the manufacturer with zero oversight. Just think about the incentives there. Also it’s not really a dirty secret when the date is on the bag, and odds are you’re gonna eat it before it expires whether it’s a day or a year from expiring.

  19. Chips don’t go bad on the sell by date. You are spreading bad information. Even the milk, if properly refrigerated, will last several weeks.

  20. @richardperezmartin6838 February 12, 2025 at 11:38 am

    I have a grocery outlet by my house, i like to go there to get some stuff real quick, but i wont stock up my fridge with theyre stuff.

  21. man i fucking love shopping at gross out, legit i only go there and aldi these days!!!

  22. In my home food doesn’t last two days. My brother in law and sister own one 😊

  23. @jessicatredway3760 February 12, 2025 at 11:39 am

    Expiration dates are guidelines only and not completely accurate. Use your senses not a date to determine if the food is safe to eat. If it smells like milk normally smells, and looks like milk normally looks don’t stress about the expiration date.

  24. I got cinnamon rolls for 49 cents at Grocery Outlet! Practically time travel.


  26. @MidnightWarrior1976 February 12, 2025 at 11:43 am

    It’s not. The most I ever paid for bread or eggs. Walmart about half.

  27. @thebrotacogamer2944 February 12, 2025 at 11:44 am

    Somwthing worth mentioning is that expiration dates are often a suggestion, and ultimately a food will go bad based on how well it is stored and especially once you open it, how long you consume it. A gallon of milk might have a whole month until its expiration date, but once you open it, that timer starts to tick down much faster, it it will have gone sour before that date on the bottle. By comparison, it is very possible to open a gallon of milk that has gone a week past its date, and for it to be just fine.

    Personally, products should have a day of manufactured/produced date, as these are a more reliable way to determine the age of food from when it was delivered or brought. And remember that you should always check your food with your senses regardless of the best by date. Does it have mold? Does it smell off? Is it going mushy? Does it have a different color? Food durability is directly affected by climate, so never leave food out of its place of storage longer than necessary.

  28. Milk doesn’t last a week in my house- were all Lactose reliant

  29. I always buy my chips with the intention of not eating them for atleast a month so i cant shop at these stores

  30. Of course Prime ends up at a grocery outlet

  31. @runningwithhammers619 February 12, 2025 at 11:49 am

    …so are we going to ignore that this was how big lots made their name.

  32. Ya, well clearly these stores are for families, not a single dude or chick 🤦🏻‍♀️

  33. I know back in the day Aldi’s was really bad about that specially with the dairy items. I don’t know about these days cause I haven’t been in that store for a while.

  34. Who cares how they got bargains, as long as they are passing the savings on to their customers

  35. My regular grocery store does this. Everything expires in a week and many things already expired. Weiss

  36. How is that a secret ? Its common business practice lmao

  37. The milk and chips will be gone within a week or before the date

  38. Most of those are the sell by date. The amount of preservatives they put in stuff makes them last a lot longer. Except the milk

  39. They are great when you have a big event that you need tons of food right away. We’re a day away from Superbowl, now the perfect time to go and stock up on cheap food that isn’t going survive the party

  40. Unfortunately, grocery outlet prices in my area are starting to look and feel like the namebrand grocery stores, Safeway, Albertsons, QFC, Fred Meyer’s and prices early difference by a few cents they’re really starting to see no discount

  41. I’m gonna start making videos where I point out the obvious

  42. I worked in the grocery business for a manufacturer for 30yrs. One example is product size change. Companies down size all the time, a product is 16oz but now it is 14oz. The company selling all the inventory of the old 16z to Grocery Outlet. Another example is that not all new products are successful. Companies sell the ones that do not make it at cost to Grocery Outlet. There are tons of reasons.

  43. Those chips wouldn’t oast a couple of weeks at my place

  44. They charge higher prices than walmart and winco for new stock

  45. Also they are best before-dates. Not poisonous after-dates

  46. If you can’t eat a bag of chips in a week, I don’t know what to tell you.

  47. Big back heaven

  48. @sharonthetrucker2297 February 12, 2025 at 12:12 pm

    I’ll eat the chips on the way home.

  49. I would be more than ok with that. Groceryprices are ridiculous these days. I’ll just be sure to eat it before it expires.

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