Watch Out For JEFF! | Late Night Shopping
Watch Out For JEFF! | Late Night Shopping
Yep, Jeff.
Music by Josh Lim:
Hello My name is BigGaming and I am a content creator/streamer with an interest in horror games and the characters/stories within them! I’m so happy you’re here!
I stream Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday at 9:00pm EST! Check me out here and on my TikTok page to join in on the fun!
Watch my Stream Vods on my Vods Channel:
Business email:
I Have a Podcast:
Pineapple doesn’t belong on pizza and it never will!!!!!1!!
I recently caugth up with my high school friemnd as well. We plan to meet up but not anytime soon. We bothj are busy.
I knew this cuz of sournale. First time on this channel did not dissapoint brother. Its the genuinity
I like this game
I don’t have friends, I’m in 7th grade and I do virtual school. I move every 5 months. So I can’t exactly make friends.
The fact that they create Jeffs with the ballcap already is so amusing

dude is born to work
Hi there, thanks for making this videos. I really like watching your gameplays, I love horror games and you always have a really cool positive attitude. Have a great day my friend!
Well now I’m sad i don’t have friends so I can’t hangout with anyone
Honestly out of any category to find one of the most wholesome people, I did not expect horror to be one of those… I was dead wrong. You have to be one of the most wholesome youtubers Ive watched
Hey big G when will you do another live stream. I would love to watch you live again. Your content is great so lemme know when your next stream will be if that is okay.
1 cup for the price of 2
thats 200% count without dis, nice

I love your content!
bro you really see that there were three missing people

Dude i LOVE your videos!!!!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
i dont really have friends
game name?
What a magnificent intro, some wise words before the fright, THX FOR SHARING!!
When I was 8 I had a friend named Cody but I haven’t seen him for three years because he got held back and I’m hoping I’ll see him next year once again thank you you’re like a therapist to me thank
Aw no way just came across your channel from this video and i made my own video to this exact game earlier. What a coincidence
Scariest thing there is the power bill
The guy knocked you out, dragged you around, and threw you down the stairs, but you still say "he’s a decent guy at least he gave me my flashlight and toilet paper."
Bless you BG64, you’re a really awesome content creator, I pray for your success and support, will continue to grow.
In Jesus name, Amen
Am I the only one who would try tuna pizza?
Well this twist was unexpected
3:42 You can! 1 cup for the price of 3!
I went on a rollercoaster in Canada’s Wonderland, but i wish i was on that rollercoaster with my friend, just so i can hang out with him again
My name jeff!
This man is one of my three favorite horror YouTubers and YouTubers overall. This guy truly shows his personality while also making his reactions real, instead of forced and fake.
You should play “capture the intelligence”
Jeff: kidnaps BigGaming

BigG:I mean hey he gave me TP—he’s not THAT bad
The scariest part aboht this was the tax Evasion
Anyone wanna make a Jeff chain?
I know this video is a little old, but the story is nice, thanks for something different from most youtubers.
just a small note 1 coffee with the price of 2 means that the one coffee is the same amount of 2 so if the cup is 1$ you’ll have to pay 2$
Jeff Jumpscare 7:37
Why, of all videos, this was one that made me jump TWICE
WAH! OH! HU!! jumping in my chair in fear like,,, hes not that scary,,
I wonder what the story is here
6:37 I WILL NOT DO YOUR JOB FOR Y-ooh a discount!
Pls do a collab with super horror bro
Thanks for the words, man. I have a friend i would spend a lot of time with. His parents had seperated some years ago, and he kind of changed. He dropped out of school and we didnt have any contsct for some time. We reconnected a year ago. And today in the evening, i am going to go visit him. So thanks for the words, they really make me want to cherish the moments with him even more.
Why are gas stations in horror games so terrifying
5:13 w
mushroom pizza
I never had good school life and many friends I befriend either back stabbed me or betray my trust..
Sadly only person who my high school friend that never turn their back on me was Damiem me and him are best friends we enjoy lot of same video games.
Only positives about high school was getting out of high school.
Great channel you have brother keep it up
When buddy first took you i literally screamed and threw my phone.
Will add edits to more scares.
Edit 1. I now hate pickaxes
Edit 2. I hate that storage room now
A great game that i just heard of that you should play is Ad infiniatum which i believe roughly means the Infinity Its about the phycological Hell soldiers Go through (SIMPLIFIED German ww1 soldier Goes through The many horrors of war)
markiplier copy? Nah Mark looks like he copied him.
sorry for me spelling but, i bin moving my holl life like i bin to Kentucky, florida, and TX and i do miss all my friends there but im doing good in 6th grade and im doing good on my flut and im doing good on my grades and im glad you are doing good on your vids.