Top 15 Amazon Products for August #justicebuys #shorts #amazonfinds #productreview

Top 15 Amazon Products for August #justicebuys #shorts #amazonfinds #productreview 😎
Since I review hundreds of products, I made my website so products can be found easier! All links go straight to Amazon, I don’t dropship or anything like that. I hope that helps 🫢🏼❀️

I do earn a small commission on products that are purchased on my website, so if you do decide to buy from there, thank you SO MUCH for supporting the channelπŸ˜„

All products can be found on 🀞🏼



  2. Does it let me steal Dinosaur embryos

  3. @fatdinosaurfood8059 February 12, 2025 at 11:19 am

    Nobody talking about the Jurassic park dna can?

  4. Is it common to have condom on your car? Or what is it. ?

  5. no 12 is NOT a citrus rimmer πŸ’€

  6. The β€œex-girlfriend”?πŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™‚οΈπŸ˜³πŸ€£

    How many saw the wad of cash being crushed in the garbage?

  7. The phone one : my sister … 😈 *puts my phone in and sets the timer to 10000000000000000000000000000000 hours *

  8. What do you do if someone’s broken into your house and you need to phone the police 😭

  9. @JadenRiveraAldana-z9q February 12, 2025 at 11:22 am

    no. 6 no imagine all the mold

  10. Hey everyone! Please subscribe to my page, where I post interesting video reviews on top products at low prices with fast delivery! And don’t forget to support this author too, because they’ve put in a lot of effort as well!

  11. Toilet seat covers? 🀒 More like bacteria traps! 🚫 Let’s talk about the real horrors in public restrooms.

  12. "citrus rimmer"

  13. Number 3: πŸ«₯

  14. slipping the magnums in to every video is diabolical

  15. I need all of them

  16. My eyes

  17. 9: ex girlfriend πŸ’€

  18. Bro why your content gets darker each i waty

  19. the can reminds me of a certain Jurassic Park reference

  20. Why you thow the money away 😒

  21. love the third one

  22. I saw the condoms buddy u not slick

  23. That secret lock gas can is all fun until mom tries using that spray and throws in the dustbin for not working and then tells at uπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  24. If i walk into a house and see a cover on the throne i’m turning my ass around and leaving

  25. 5πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

  26. That secret can looks very useful. Just what I needed to hide.. things. Definitely not to steal DNA samples of a laboratory where scientists try to recreate.. certain prehistoric creatures

  27. My ass about to be so clean

  28. AYOOOOOOOO the number 7 is sus AYOOOOOO

  29. We all saw what was in the background of the coasters, right?

  30. Imagine you’re about to die and the phone locker is still not gonna open

  31. 2: Jurassic Park

  32. The ex girlfriendπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  33. The perfect solution to a problem I didn’t know I could fix!❀

  34. The trash can being called the ex girlfriend.

  35. β€œoval office” πŸ’€

  36. I am sorry man…..I am never going to spend 700$ on a flashlightπŸ₯²

  37. "the ex girlfriend"πŸ’€


  39. @kennethgalagata957 February 12, 2025 at 12:07 pm

    Bro there’s a condom above the Car coasters

  40. All products can be found here 🫢🏻😎 Thank you SO MUCH for 200k subs ❀️

  41. So is nobody gonna talk about the phone wallpaper

  42. Fuck this consumerism

  43. I have a toilet seat cover

  44. Gotta Perfect That aimπŸ˜…

  45. plug shit too

  46. What if u need to call 911 but ur phone is in the safe?

  47. Money in the bin bro

  48. No one is taking about the condoms in the car

  49. @damonsalvatore6741 February 12, 2025 at 12:14 pm

    Did no one see the condoms???

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