1. I love that you are entertaining and you didn’t talk about nonsense for 15 minutes before doing the review. It was good I really liked it

  2. I would like to see Vitamix compare to Ninja or Magic Bullet Pro… KitchenAid is okay Cusinart is not that good (in my opinion).

  3. What kind of shirt is that?

  4. @jonathanfoster1477 February 28, 2025 at 6:47 pm

    I got a blender in the sale section of ASDA supermarket for £11. I only use it to make alcoholic beverages with ice. If it breaks, so be it ill get another. I can get about 30 of these blenders for the price of the cheapest vitamix (£350) which would still break after a while. My advice buy cheap, abuse it, break it and replace. Mines lasted several months of hard use and does what I need it to do.

  5. Yall should update this video with a ninja and a magic bullet… kitchen aid and cuisinart are nif range… they are stil expensive

  6. @mihandreviews-homegarden7380 February 28, 2025 at 6:50 pm


  7. Yo my idea of affordable is under 25$….. who has 100$ to blow on a blender??

  8. In the past, I used a 14 oz Hamilton Beach blender and a 50 oz Proctor Silex blender.

    This year, I bought 72 oz Ninja blender because I needed it for 2-quart ice cream recipes.

  9. I’m sure there has to be a comment already but do we know I’d he spent the same time doing the task for each blender. Also would’ve been helpful tip know if.. had he spent more time blending in maybe the cheaper ones would the result be similar?

    Update: typed too soon lol

  10. Wish you tested Oster

  11. @stefandobroiu1968 February 28, 2025 at 7:02 pm

    if you want your blender to "cook" your soup you surely are an idiot…

  12. 4:34 plot twist he actually testing babies diapers

  13. I would have liked to have visually seen the results of the smoothie. It was difficult to see from this distance.

  14. Why do you have to hold the cap down?

  15. That Philly hot dog poster is from a place called Hot Diggity, too bad they closed though. Are you guys from Philly??

  16. Two points: the Blendtec twister jar not the one used here is intended for peanut butter. If you are going to spend $$ on a blender you’d probably get both Blendtec jars. Second, cleaning, I would not look forward to cleaning peanut butter from the Vitamix with its sharp blades, it’s a breeze with the Blendtec.

  17. @karlinwilliamson9329 February 28, 2025 at 7:07 pm

    Best review on blenders. Great work

  18. No ice!

  19. @GlenAndFriendsCooking February 28, 2025 at 7:09 pm

    We’ve gone through a lot of blenders… they all break eventually. No matter what they cost, and where they were made.

  20. "in 2019, this list helped me decide for the best blender *scafe.shop/tbb2019?0w* hope it helps you out too!"

  21. About smeg blender any hint??? Does it make chickpeas powder or date powder lets say

  22. No Ninja?

  23. @bleuvertetforetdepin February 28, 2025 at 7:12 pm

    Really well made video guys!!

  24. YOU ARE SO ENTERTAINING!!! and your editing is Superb! Keep it up.

  25. Is Kitchen aid affordable? Man that one is more than $200 at Walmart in my country. That’s more money than my weekly payment.

  26. One day you are young without responsibilities, the next day you are searching "the best blender budget" haha

  27. Comparisons will always be limited if the Waring XT variable speed models are not included.

  28. Paul Rudd

  29. Why would heating the food up be used as a test with higher marks given for higher heat? Wouldn’t your blender cooking your food be an undesirable trait?

  30. But where is the 18 dollar blender from Walmart? you should have thrown that one in just to see.

  31. Here’s a list that helped me out.
    In the end, I went with #5.


  32. Yes let’s all test blenders with things we would rarely if ever use a blender for to justify the cost. Blenders are mostly for smoothies and bar drinks. The bonus of not heating up my product was what I thought better. That’s just me…an old chunk of coal. Not wasting 500 on a blender for processing better done by other cheaper products.

  33. Bottom line…get Vitamix 👍🏻

  34. interesting but there is a way! this method doesn’t work with everything but will work with breaking down the kale and it works when you make nut milk. freeze the ‘dry’ ingredients first (nuts or kale) and then put them in the blender with liquid… i’ve got an old oster blender i’ve had for 30+years that still makes nut milk that is so creamy that i don’t bother straining it…. freeze the nuts (or kale) first before adding (i store nuts in the freezer). the freezing process makes the water in the cell walls expand and the addition of water and the blending causes those cell walls to shatter making a very smooth result (it’s physics and science :wink:).
    for nut butters i prefer the wider food processor… besides smooth nut butter is really boring and sticks more to the roof of your mouth. lol

  35. How loud is each blender though?

  36. thank you for making this vid, appreciate it! 😎👍

  37. Good fun and I love the music. Bopped along with learning…learnt a lot.

  38. What’s funny is that high powered blender rave about nut butters when a nut butter could really just be achieved with a food processor

  39. @AdrianLopez-sr3dd February 28, 2025 at 7:31 pm

    THE PRICE?????

  40. I’ve had my blender for 21 years already and still good

  41. Generating heat is not a desirable property

  42. I have a Hamilton Beach. With a food processor attachment. Love it.

  43. I’ve had my Vitamix for 10+ years. Absolute Godsend!

  44. @georgemueller8066 February 28, 2025 at 7:41 pm

    My Vitamix 5000 only lasted twenty-five years. Nothing lasts these days.

  45. be great if you could compare https://froothie.co.uk/optimum-9200/ blender against them, as it is 2611w powerful value blender but not sure if its as good as it sounds. please review esp want to know if they last, thanks in advance

  46. @mariaantonietarehbein10 February 28, 2025 at 7:42 pm

    My favorite video of blenders comparisons! Thank you very much! But I would love to see an ice cream battle!

  47. Vitamix hands down!

  48. All the vitamix hypers. 🙈

  49. Ive been extremely happy with making smoothies in my @t! I cannot wait for warmer weather/summer to bring it with me to make beach margaritas!!

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