Coupons are cool, but the amount of time it takes to gather coupons, look at coupon terms, plan your trip, etc is a lot of times no savings compared to if you’d just go to work and then go shopping and pay full price instead
I knew this video was old when she said “enough groceries to feed a football team and the original cost was $100” shit thanks to Biden and harris $100 won’t get u shit
I saved over $600 in 2-3 months on groceries with newspaper coupons but also mperks (Meijer) where you clip the coupons electronically. It was time consuming, but so worth it!! The fixation started because they printed me a coupon at check out for 50% off one clothing item and I ended up getting a $70 bag that I honestly needed for $25 because it was already 30% off. After that it was a fixation.
So cute
There both trolls
That’s a very American thing I would say. In my country we have sales in supermarkets, but I never saw a coupon. Only some stores with their apps…
Where do you get paper coupons thoe ?

Where you get coupons ?
Imagine waiting in the line behind someone like this.
Coupons are cool, but the amount of time it takes to gather coupons, look at coupon terms, plan your trip, etc is a lot of times no savings compared to if you’d just go to work and then go shopping and pay full price instead
Are paper coupons still a thing? I can’t seem to find them anywhere anymore
Bro Jenny just went steam winter sale mode
Which publications?
damm shit
Your videos are great!!
I tried to coupon at HEB none of the coupons worked I tried to coupon at Walmart market apparently they have a coupon limit now
I remember you! You did fantastic on that show!
watch us save more with coupons!!
So fun
Like a minute, once I learned my arms were my legs I breezed through everything
We love coupons too!
Damn man, all this for one (1) subscriber??
If coupons exist in my country, I would be flexing that on the line to the counter….
Where do you get these coupons at
Sadly coupons are very rare in my country
Keep doing
Are you girl or boy
Ok someone needs to break this down
I knew this video was old when she said “enough groceries to feed a football team and the original cost was $100” shit thanks to Biden and harris $100 won’t get u shit
You can no longer use multiple coupons
I was tryna learn about couponing and now I came across this. It must be a sign
Most stores put a limit of how many paper coupons they’ll accept
I saved over $600 in 2-3 months on groceries with newspaper coupons but also mperks (Meijer) where you clip the coupons electronically. It was time consuming, but so worth it!! The fixation started because they printed me a coupon at check out for 50% off one clothing item and I ended up getting a $70 bag that I honestly needed for $25 because it was already 30% off. After that it was a fixation.
Yo thats a publix
Stop raising your eyebrows so much. You’re gonna get those forehead lines sooner than you’d expect
Good job!!!
They don’t make physical coupons anymore

. That was funny!
Where u guys found cupons?
So you’re gonna feed the football team Toothpaste and soda? $100 for that. That doesn’t make sense. Good thing it was only 9 bucks
Would never work in New York
In canada we cant.
Mommy pretty
We’re do you get coupons
Where do you get coupons?