How I RAISE PRICES without losing sales…(using this psychological trick)

How I RAISE PRICES without losing sales…(using this psychological trick)

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If you’re new to my channel, my name is Alex Hormozi. I’m the founder and managing partner of It’s a family office, which is just a formal way of saying we invest our own money into companies. Our 10 portfolio companies bring in over $250,000,000+ per year. Our ownership stake varies between 20% and 100% of them. Given this is a YT channel, and anyone can claim anything, I’ll give you some stuff you can google to verify below.

How I got here…

21: Graduated Vanderbilt in 3 years Magna Cum Laude, and took a fancy consulting job.
23 yrs old: Left my fancy consulting job to start a business (a gym).
24 yrs old: Opened 5 gym locations.
26 yrs old: Closed down 6th gym. Lost everything.
26 yrs old: Got back to launching gyms (launched 33). Then, lost everything for a 2nd time.
26 yrs old: In desperation, started licensing model as a hail mary. It worked.
27 yrs old: “Gym Launch” does $3M profit the next 6 months. Then $17M profit next 12 months.
28 yrs old: Started Prestige Labs. $20M the first year.
29 yrs old: Launched ALAN, a software company for agencies to work leads for customers. Scaled to $1.7mmo within 6 months.
31 yrs old: Sold 75% of UseAlan to a strategic buyer in an all stock deal.
31 yrs old: Sold 66% of Gym Launch & Prestige Labs at $46.2M valuation in all-cash deal to American Pacific Group. (you can google it)
31 yrs old: Started our family office We invest and scale companies using the $42M in distributions we had taken + the cash from the $46.2M exit.
32 yrs old: Started making free content showing how we grow companies to make real business education accessible to everyone (and) to attract business owners to invest or scale their businesses.
34 yrs old: I became co-owner of to help the many people who want to start a business online do so.

Today: Our portfolio now does $200M/yr between 10 companies. The largest doing $100M/yr the smallest doing $5M per year. Our ownership varies between 20% and 100% ownership of the companies. Many of them we invested in early and helped grow (which is how we make our money – not youtube videos).

To all the gladiators in the arena, we’re all in the middle of writing our own stories. The worse the monsters, the more epic the story.

You either get an epic outcome or an epic story. Both mean you win.

Keep crushing. May your desires be greater than your obstacles.

Never quit,


Information shared here is for educational purposes only. Individuals and business owners should evaluate their own business strategies, and identify any potential risks. The information shared here is not a guarantee of success. Your results may vary.
Copyright © 2025.


  1. I did that a lot of times and now realising I did it makes me happy 😂😂

  2. This video is gonna get tons of views bcoz of that thumbnail replacement

  3. How would this be done for a service business where there is an industry standard? An example is being a Realtor. There is an industry standard that a Realtor charges 6% to sell a home. If the new price that I am aiming to get is 7% should I price anchor at 8%? My concern with doing this is that no one would even consider using a Realtor that charges 8% so it would kill the sale before your able to make a pitch. I also don’t believe hat many people will be willing to pay 7% either. Any thoughts or suggestions?

  4. @ChrisWilliamsHQ March 6, 2025 at 7:39 pm

    Ok. Let’s be honest. We all had to back up and re watch a few sections because the content is actually good and… the biceps are distracting 💪😂

  5. @vedantthakur2709 March 6, 2025 at 7:39 pm


  6. So how to increase the customer’s perception of your product’s value? So theyre willing to pay more?

  7. @jonathancalvooo March 6, 2025 at 7:40 pm

    That’s fire 🔥

  8. @hustlenation4779 March 6, 2025 at 7:42 pm


  9. THIS is why this channel is so much better than the others. You don’t just tell people to make more money, you show them how

  10. @christineshannon7902 March 6, 2025 at 7:43 pm

    Great video! Thanks😊

  11. Taking a shot with a question 16 months after the initial posting. How have you seen this applied in the medical field where a) there are multiple products/services one can diagnose/recommend and b) the actual collection varies wildly from the production (thank you, insurance companies). Best course of action seems to ditch insurance and go to fee-for-service model but that will take a while to implement, I think. Thanks in advance for feedback.

  12. @theesamuelromxro March 6, 2025 at 7:46 pm

    Let’s claim our early gold mine channels literally been following Alex just for a few months and his book/courses all FREE BY FAR THE BEST LEGIT NO FLUFF GUY OUT HERE

  13. LOL, duh

  14. So you mean to raise the price you have to price the raise more than the price you wanted to raise in the first raise?

  15. @tlccarpettilecleaners7039 March 6, 2025 at 7:50 pm

    Last one should of been raise anchor to 14K, then 6K, 3K 3K or 12K up front.

  16. @santoshprasad456 March 6, 2025 at 7:51 pm

    Please teach in hindi language.

  17. @marcusmattox4775 March 6, 2025 at 7:51 pm

    geez he’s been thru so many different eras. glad to see he was reading the comments and responding

  18. This is so simple

  19. @CharlieAnderson-of1wl March 6, 2025 at 7:52 pm

    What about raising prices with lower ticket items?

  20. @recluseauhermitticus2033 March 6, 2025 at 7:56 pm

    The same trick the giant corporate cronies employ. . way to maintain a failing society and system of capitalism. At the expense of your countrymen.

  21. Clear the runway, got it!

  22. "How to be a greedy piece of shit 101"

  23. While watching this I realised this is what my ttn teacher has been doing😂😂

  24. This video works great for a flat fee sale. What should a lawyer who works on a billable hourly rate do?

  25. @gospelentrepreneur March 6, 2025 at 8:04 pm

    Makes sense, great video! I think I’ll do a video on how I’ve sold $1K to $12K packages too. Inspired me!

  26. @robertstrada2456 March 6, 2025 at 8:05 pm

    I love these small psychological sales maneuvers

  27. I’m used to the alex hormozi with the full beard this is his evil twin brother I’m convinced

  28. Dude please give the one book I should read to learn sales like this

  29. @fortysomethinsixpack March 6, 2025 at 8:12 pm

    This is fine for new customers but what about existing customers who go "Hey it was only 2K last time, why has it doubled?

  30. @NutriTalkInspiration March 6, 2025 at 8:12 pm

    That was great Alex! There aren’t alot of entrepreneurs showing this pricing strategy.

  31. @dwanyamiller4872 March 6, 2025 at 8:13 pm

    I so love your content but sometimes its a little harder to translate into a product based businesses most everything is service based😩

  32. I didn’t like the, method and I guess it won’t work – instead I would have kept the price same just decrease the value proposition and add one more package with that with the increased price this way everyone I happy and I have personally did this in my freelance business and I love Alex and he has been a great inspiration and life changer

  33. @alexandrucristian289 March 6, 2025 at 8:14 pm

    Question: If they agree to the 2 installments, how do you make sure they’re not going to hit the road and ghost you after you give them your services/materials ? (photographer here) and not paying the 2nd installment. Thanks.

  34. The "less polished" Alex is the best Alex IMO

  35. This didn’t make sense for the type of business we run. However, using the same logic, we could offer customers the higher price and offer the discount to the new "price increase" price as long as they agreed to 6 month contract. Locking them in to our ecosystem long enough to reach the average customer’s lifetime with the company.

  36. @eduardoferreiradebrito March 6, 2025 at 8:18 pm

    It’s amazing how it works

  37. What about an honest selling where you announce that next month you will increase the annual prices but if anyone want to buy early the next year they can, which is both honest but at the same time lock in more users to the system.

  38. Watch it twice, cuz you never get bored and understand more clearly

  39. @martinmenesestv March 6, 2025 at 8:22 pm

    This is an awesome hack!

  40. @reymundoalvarez380 March 6, 2025 at 8:25 pm

    Nice video

  41. Very interesting methods you use buddy! Thanks!

  42. Insane value

  43. The video is about how to raise prices without losing sales using a psychological trick.
    Raising prices can increase profitability, but many people fear losing sales.
    The trick involves increasing the top price by an additional percentage and presenting it as a payment plan where the customer pays the original price upfront and the remaining amount later.
    This allows customers to have an emotional comfort zone and a home base price while still paying the new, higher price.
    The video outlines a specific process for raising prices and recommends meeting customers where they are comfortable, while still aiming for higher prices.

  44. I dont understand at the end do they have to pay thé full price or just the pre payement discount

  45. GENIUS
    Mind blown

  46. Wow I hate capitalism

  47. I like how he says “i make this videoes cos more people are poor”😂

  48. This is so valuable especially since I just created my apartment investing course which shows how I scaled from 0 to 90 units while working full time in under 5 years.

  49. Amazing

  50. He’s a genius

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