CHEAP CRUISES FOR 2025 using Discount Websites

CHEAP CRUISES FOR 2025 using Discount Websites

Have you ever met someone on a cruise and found out they paid substantially LESS than you did for a comparable cabin on that same cruise? We did…ONCE, but never again!

In this video, we will show you the BEST Discount Cruise Websites you can use to make your next cruise memorable and save you a lot of money at the same time.

Note that these Discount Cruise websites are so discounted, they pay us NOTHING to promote them here in this video, lol!

We took a random sampling of FIVE random cruises sailing all around the world on FIVE well-known companies and compared the results here.

Thanks as always for watching and please Share, Like and subscribe to our channel so we can continue to reach others with the same travel interests as you.

Check out our other informative CRUISING videos here:

15 Night Panama Cruise: Was It Worth It?

Living On A Cruise Ship for SIX Weeks; Would We Do It Again?

10 Cruise Ship Hacks On a BUDGET

Check out Dennis’ inspiring and captivating autobiography here on Amazon:

Check out Dennis’ short articles on various topics here on Medium:

Thumbnail Photo Credit: Royal Caribbean


Peace & Love,
Dennis and MIn


  1. The discount cruise sites (cruise aggregators) do not set prices. The cruise lines set prices. Cruise aggregators pull price information directly from the cruise lines’ inventory systems. Your comparison is incomplete because you have to compare the same exact cabin on each of the sites, and if you do they will all be the same price. If you go to Vacations to Go website you can get a price for a “veranda cabin”. The Celebrity Eclipse cruise ship has 11 different veranda cabin types all with different locations, levels of service and prices. Additionally, one aggregator may be quoting a price for a guaranteed cabin and another will be the price for a cabin the cruise line assigns you when you show up for the cruise, which is a crap shoot. Sometimes an aggregator will offer promotions like an on board credit or free wifi but the cruise lines set the cabin prices. It is not as easy as you make it out to be. If you call an aggregator to book a cruise and you haven’t done your homework and don’t know the exact cabin you want, they will upsell you like crazy. We use aggregators to book our cruises but we don’t shop them for cabin prices, we shop them for promotions.

  2. @francescabaca1722 March 8, 2025 at 8:10 pm

    Muchas gracias por su información, seguro que me será muy útil. 😊

  3. @deonnemills-louis1813 March 8, 2025 at 8:23 pm

    Solo travelers friendly suggestions pls

  4. Keep doing it

  5. I believe that the law you are referring to is a California law not US law.

  6. You are terrific. In 12 and a half minutes you made an incredibly valuable presentation to those of us who do not know the info you know. You are precise. You use multiple ways for us to absorb your info. You are very clear that the info you are giving us is the info you specifically researched. You are also very clear that there is a lot of info “out there” that we can research on our own.
    Your method of teaching is at the Master Teacher level. Thank you.

  7. Cruise Plum is not a discount cruise website. They are a search engine providing cruise line data. If you were interested in booking a cruise you would have to book through the cruise provider themselves or a travel agent to actually book the cruise.

  8. I’m glad I found your channel. I’m now a subscriber. thank you

  9. Thank you for the information. I am very new to all this cruising adventures. You have provided some interesting suggestions as a way to get started.

  10. Grate video

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