10 SHOPPING SECRETS Dollar General Doesn't Want You to Know!

10 SHOPPING SECRETS Dollar General Doesn't Want You to Know!

Save a bunch of money at Dollar General with these 10 amazing secrets I discovered! Everyone knows Dollar General is a great place to shop, but with these tips you will save a LOT more!

**Please remember: Do NOT mention Penny Items to DG employees. ALWAYS be nice to DG employees and be respectful of the store inventory.

Links mentioned in the video:
Dollar General Coupon Policy: https://bit.ly/3yuPFR7
Dollar General Penny Shopping Policy: https://bit.ly/3jj7Cxp
Dollar General Facebook Page: https://bit.ly/2Y1hJPl

Check out these amazing pages/people for Penny Shopping tips/tricks:
FB Group Dollar General Penny Deals: https://bit.ly/3sN229T
FB Group Dollar General Penny Shopping: https://bit.ly/38fF95n

FW = Fall/Winter
SS = Spring/Summer
19 = 2019
20 = 2020
21 = 2021

Thanks to @DoItOnaDime for inspiring me to make this video! Check out her video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XB2jygKFTUM

I’ve been shopping at Dollar General for a long time. I often hunt for Dollar General Deals and Dollar General secrets so this video is long over due. People always ask me for Dollar General shopping secrets every month. A lot of people think the cheapest stuff is Dollar Tree Shopping but really these 10 shopping secrets will get you things a lot faster.

In this video The Deal Guy is showing you tips that are better than just checking the dollar general ad for next week or simple dollar general couponing. If you’ve seen the Mashed video on Dollar General then this dollar general penny shopping video will definitely interest you! If you’re hunting for penny shopping dollar general 2021 info or the penny list for dollar general today.

This dollar store video is well overdue and many people have been asking for a dollar general penny list and a how to on dollar general couponing this week. So if you’re interested in penny shopping at dollar general this video will help, so start searching dollar general near me and dollar general hours!

#DollarGeneral #DollarGeneralSecrets #PennyShopping #Deals #TheDealGuy


  1. @anthonyrivera2128 March 6, 2025 at 7:35 pm

    As always great, advertise on the youtube you be great on TV. God bless

  2. @KurtSlotkowski-hj8jd March 6, 2025 at 7:35 pm

    Am i better off ordering my groceries from Amazon?

  3. Do you have any vids for Family Dollar? I didn’t see when I searched.

  4. If you enjoyed this video, please give it a THUMBS UP as it helps me in the YouTube algorithm! 😀 Also, I forgot to mention – DO NOT MENTION Penny Items to DG employees. ALWAYS be nice to DG employees and be respectful of the store inventory. Do you have a tip when it comes to shopping at Dollar General? Let me know in the comments 👇

  5. Rats texting DEALS didn’t work for me but im signed up at least so THANKS!

  6. Phones don’t work in DG near me. No service at all on cell. So no penny shopping 😕

  7. All I will say thru experience…..watch price listed on the shelf is different when you check out. And they will not give you any money difference! They are as crooked as Kamala.

  8. @blusteryvagabond1512 March 6, 2025 at 7:41 pm

    Here’s a "Dollar General" life hack. Look at the size/weight of the item per dollar your getting. DG stuff might be cheap, maybe $1 per pound of something, but you could get 3 pounds for $2.50 elsewhere.

  9. @julianickels7791 March 6, 2025 at 7:44 pm

    Dots and symbols DO NOT mean it is discounted!! It could be, but those symbols are only used for an organizational purpose, NOT A DISCOUNT!!!

  10. @DebraMooney-y3n March 6, 2025 at 7:44 pm

    What are Penny items

  11. Do you have to be nice to dollor general workers

  12. @mountainrambler1077 March 6, 2025 at 7:46 pm

    In other words they are crooks too !!

  13. The overage was years ago, now they updated most stores and you just get it for free instead of overage, again stores not updated still can get overage but this year Corporate announced that they want all stores to be updated!

  14. @jeanettesmith2439 March 6, 2025 at 7:46 pm

    I have $5 DG cash but none of their employees know how to use it, so it just sits there. Also, there are certain coupons that never work, for example, Suave.

  15. @mrmusiclover4178 March 6, 2025 at 7:52 pm

    I would never set foot in a Dollar General., I despise them.

  16. My dg app constantly has problems. I used to use the digital coupons and save but for the past 1 1/2 yrs have had nothing but trouble with it. I don’t shop there nearly as much any more because I can’t get the deals.

  17. @davesimmonsmusic8128 March 6, 2025 at 7:55 pm


  18. @elizabethwhitmore2952 March 6, 2025 at 7:56 pm

    I found sweat pants & tops last winter when other stores were sold out…$5/set!

  19. Savages. What’s the deal guy make buttoning his collar. Nice hobby.

  20. I usually only buy soda there but i can use the $5 off + app coupons & score really good deals!

  21. @montanaminck2226 March 6, 2025 at 8:03 pm

    I hate DG, they always charge higher prices, than the SHELF PRICE, it’s so annoying

  22. Lets talk about how many times they’ve been sued for deceptive pricing

  23. I went to my store in Michigan, and the managers are told to take all of those items off of the shelves!

  24. @ThomasGibbons-ii9sh March 6, 2025 at 8:05 pm

    Our. Local DG stores won’t let there app work ! More so when your connected to the store Wi-Fi !

  25. You forgot the wafers. They are larger but when they are opened from the plastic, they are in threes so that they will not go stale right away or make a mess. They might be alright for packed lunches.

  26. Why wouldn’t they just not have the big savings events if it was something they didn’t want people to know about?

  27. When I’m checking out a dollar general and an item rings up for a penny they tell me they can’t sell it and want let me buy it for a penny. I think they are keeping it for themselves.

  28. Here is a secret you may not No dollar general prices Change when you make it to the register.

  29. @janetwheeler4210 March 6, 2025 at 8:10 pm

    Thanks 🙏

  30. Goatshead thorn in my foot 🦶.

  31. @kathyleenspencer8528 March 6, 2025 at 8:12 pm

    Thank you ❤❤❤

  32. The prices are wrong. The coupons don’t work. They don’t honor their sales. They are still ripping customers off , even after many lawsuits . Just save yourself the hassle and shop elsewhere. It’s too bad this company doesn’t want to be on the up and up.

  33. Also don’t mention that they advertise a price on shelf and charge a higher price at the register

  34. Does this guy work for DG because this store is a rip off and keeps raising their prices. Plus, good luck being charged the correct price.

  35. My stores will not let you have it for o dollars. South Mississippi stores are mean they want let you have it for whatever it rings up.

  36. @BarbaraSchneider-ws2nl March 6, 2025 at 8:17 pm

    OMG….. my head is spinning!

  37. @cynthiacowan3127 March 6, 2025 at 8:17 pm

    Please slow down when explaining how and what to scan thanks

  38. Thank you 🎉🎉🎉🎉

  39. @williamgreen3065 March 6, 2025 at 8:20 pm

    Everyone should be aware that a LOT of shelf prices are lower than what will actually ring up at the registers. They have been find thousands of dollars for cheating the public, but won’t fix the pricing because the extra profits are higher than the fines. Dollar General is totally aware of this.

  40. Coupons and flyer have with you you save money all the time 😊😊😊😊

  41. Went in two years ago and found out that they were getting rid of all Christmas items that day . All Christmas was 10 cents. Got over 67 dollars for 7.70 cents .

  42. @Micah_6_8_Walk_In_Love March 6, 2025 at 8:24 pm

    Actually the biggest secret is to use your phone and take a picture of the posted price tag and make sure it matches with the checkout price. 60% of their items do not match the shelf price.

  43. @melaniecerino8892 March 6, 2025 at 8:24 pm

    I texted the word deals and it said the word was not recognized

  44. @tinatrevino8611 March 6, 2025 at 8:26 pm

    You know i have 2 dollar generals in town but the one in a small town has better deals then my stores good luck happy shopping ❤❤❤

  45. Thanks for the tips I didn’t know. For dollar general dollar tree,

  46. Some employees want sell it for a penny they tell me that is wrong or a mistake and want let me buy it. Some employees like to abuse their authority.

  47. Thank you for that Deal Guy! I love your video’s and your personality! i’ve been a penny shopper for a coupe years, but still learn more every day. If I were going to add anything, it would be: 1.) Do NOT make messes when searching for penny items! If you so, then cleanup after yourself! (This should not require any explanation) 2:) Remember, some stores actually DO their jobs! Technically, you should NOT be able to find penny items. They are supposed to be removed from the sales floor. Therefore, some stores (employees, managers) get a bit snooty about you finding them, and may refuse to sell them to you. Luckily, that’s a rare thing. If that should happen, you can handle it how you see fit. Their policy is that they are to sell it to you for a penny, and then, they are to go and pull any remaining. DG is a Corporation…and that is a CORPORATE policy…meaning, it applies to EVERY employee, managers included. Some managers forget that it’s not THEIR store, it is a CORPORATE store. Now, having that knowledge…it’s up to YOU how you use it. If you use it, be assured that you will be scrutinized by every employee there on future visits. That probably wouldn’t be the kind of relationship you want to have. IMO, you are better off making friends with them. The first time you score a good haul, they will know that YOU know about penny items, and if you treat them nice, they may even tell you about some deals that no-one else is privvy to. DG employees are not allowed to purchase penny items, so a lot of penny shoppers will gift some of their items to cashiers and managers, which ,as you can imagine, pays off! 3:) During clearance events, digital coupons may not work…If you keep calm and kindly ask, the cashier or manager will likely override the system and fix the problem. GOOD LUCK…and SAVE TONS!!!

  48. @robintaylor2688 March 6, 2025 at 8:28 pm

    Thanks for sharing 😊❤

  49. @julianickels7791 March 6, 2025 at 8:30 pm

    BEWARE!!!! Overages only work at old system stores. The new system stores will just zero out the total or charge you 1 penny for that item.

  50. Just another small but significant trick. Become friends with the workers, if possible. That will increase your chances of them selling you the penny items, and you may get some additional inside news, tricks and hints. It’s also nice to have more friends.

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