10 online stores to get AFFORDABLE trendy clothes | best places to shop online for trendy clothes

10 online stores to get AFFORDABLE trendy clothes | best places to shop online for trendy clothes

in this video i shared 10 different stores to get cute clothes for affordable prices! i hope this was helpful for people to find cheap clothes that’s still cute and good quality ๐Ÿ™‚

this video was inspired by many other youtubers’ videos so make sure to check theirs out too!

yesstyle: https://www.yesstyle.com/en/influencers.html?rco=LAURIN123&utm_term=LAURIN123&utm_medium=Influencer&utm_source=dynamic
or code: LAURIN123

insta: @laurinhwang or https://instagram.com/laurinhwang
tiktok: @laurinhwang or https://www.tiktok.com/@laurinhwang
snap: @laurin_hwang

my clothes!
depop: @laurinhwang https://depop.com/laurinhwang
curtsy: laurin hwang or https://heycurtsy.com/usUVLAM0F1
poshmark: @laurin_hwang or https://posh.mk/XSLn7wgwh6


  1. I usally go to clothing Stores that has a sale section with clothes that are planned to be removed for new clothes or clothes that are less popular with downset prices I usally save 10-20 dollars so I can buy more and pay less win win ๐Ÿฅ‡

  2. @charmainekandenge7492 March 6, 2025 at 7:38 pm

    Hy im a namibia and i would like to buy those clothing dont u have a whatsapp group for this

  3. Omg I love the pic of leo in the back ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ

  4. Omg she talks so much- I couldnt


  6. @lalalanddraws2703 March 6, 2025 at 7:41 pm

    Donโ€™t buy shein Amazon clothes (mostly ) or cider they use non economical r escorces that make your planet worse also shein use child labor! And cider supports it so be careful what you but everyday Iโ€™d personally stick to princess Polly and Zara they use better treatments itโ€™s more expensive but it will help make your world a better place

  7. Princess Polly has soo beautiful clothes but its so expensive like even if its just a normal basic tshirt it always cost at leat like 37$

  8. @pablobellavilla9396 March 6, 2025 at 7:44 pm

    why didn’t you put liks ๐Ÿ™

  9. Me and my family dont use shien since it uses Chinese people to work and not pay them

  10. @hilaryjessicaforin8726 March 6, 2025 at 7:45 pm

    dont shop at shein they force there workers to make the clothes for no money food or water

  11. @tsemuneeheart12 March 6, 2025 at 7:46 pm

    app name

  12. The only problem shein. They are known for stealing small designer work with out crediting

  13. Also you need to show pics of the apps hun to make things easier

  14. The thing is, my mom wont buy me expensive clothes cause im gonna โ€œout grow itโ€ but wont buy me cheap clothes cuz it wont last me

  15. Nastgal expensive
    Yesstyle good quality, slow Shipping
    Misguided a lot of sale, fast shipping
    Shein china, pretty cheap, long shipping,
    Pacsun has sales

  16. Shein has cheap material.. no thank you ๐Ÿ‘Ž

  17. just a warning shein and romwe (also owned by shein) are not the best brand not only is they’re materials bad for the environment but human health as well (from what I’ve heard) also they treat they’re employees really badly idk just look up a video on it I would recommend not buying from them but feel free to do what you want

  18. Please don’t buy clothes from shein

  19. SHEIN is such a bad place to buy from sadly ๐Ÿ™ if u read articles about it will tell u

  20. I searched: โ€œplaces to shop for poor peopleโ€
    And I got here.

  21. Yโ€™allโ€™s only option for $5 clothes is Amazon thrifting or shein

  22. Me cries in I live in Nigeria and none of these ship here

  23. Please dont order from stores likes shein or yessstyle. The shipping is extremely harmful for the environment and they have the worst working conditions ever. Consider going to thrift stores rather than continue contributing to climat change ๐Ÿ™

  24. i did shein and i bought cloths and the total was $124 and the shipping cost an extra $200 ๐Ÿ™

  25. ok but her voice tho… SO PWETTY!

  26. Shein is islamophobic

  27. @meowdontstudymeow March 6, 2025 at 8:08 pm

    A list for me ๐Ÿ™‚
    0:34 – Nasty gal
    1:08 – yesstyle
    1:50 misguided
    2:22 – shein
    2:57 – pacsun
    3:30 – depop
    3:46 – poshmark
    4:01 – Curtsy
    4:19 – Amazon
    5:15 – Princess Polly
    5:52 – H&M
    6:25 – Forever 21
    6:59 – Pretty little thing

  28. Shein USES CHILD LABOUR and buying from there is supporting child labour!!!!!!!!!!!!

  29. do shein, romwe, or dazy

  30. mercari is really good for shoes

  31. Late comment but uhmm

    There was just a sale from Urban and most the clothing price were $5!! And if you bought a second clothing you can get it for only *$1* like oh my god all the clothings were so *pretty* & *cheap* โค!

    One of the best day of my life (not bragging just sharing ๐Ÿ˜…)

  32. Thank you so much for this video

    So helpful

  33. these places are still expensive lol, I think I will stick with Amazon because you talking about like $30 for one shirt, Iโ€™ll pass ๐Ÿ˜Œ

  34. most oft them are fast fashion companies – please dont shop there.

  35. @lalalanddraws2703 March 6, 2025 at 8:12 pm

    Donโ€™t use shein or cider itโ€™s fast fashion that pays people less to produce and is non economical making things worse for you in the planet so I highly suggest to not but those brand s

  36. If thereโ€™s always a sale, that probably means itโ€™s fake, itโ€™s a marketing tactic, that makes you want to buy something before the โ€œsale endsโ€

  37. Everyone knows these ๐Ÿ’€

  38. My mom asked for me to send her links so she can buy me clothes and I feel too bad to ask for $40 clothes

  39. Her: affordable
    Pacsun: 27 dollar beanie and 56 dollar jeans
    Yesstyle:43 dollar shirt
    Princess polly: 50 dollar top

  40. I searched:
    And I got here.

  41. @thedisappointment1239 March 6, 2025 at 8:26 pm

    Honu hut is the best store to find trendy clothes

  42. Can someone give me a name of a online store where it wont scam me?

  43. @oommpaloompa7342 March 6, 2025 at 8:28 pm

    Next time you could put the brand name down just in caseโค๏ธ

  44. I really like yesstyle! But I procastinate on their sales on clothes- the first time to ordered from yesstyle it said it would take 7-14 bussiness days but instead it took 2 months. I was pretty upset ngl coming home everyday from school and not seeing a package at my front door within the 2 weeks. I ordered 2 shirts and one sweater, and then days or weeks before yesstyle shipped my package, they said the sweater was out of stock- and I was so upset because that was the one thing I really wanted the most, and if I tried looking anywhere else it was on a sketchy website or really expensive. I ended getting the shirts, and I would say it was and it wasen’t worth it in the end but I still really like yesstyle

  45. Rosses also gottem do credits to them too

  46. no hate to anyone but I strongly advise against using Shein. They use harmful factory toxins in their clothes that are terrible for you and your skin.

  47. I need others opionions. Many have said Shein is fake. Is it? It’s the first shop that ive found that is my style and isn’t pricey, but I rlly don’t want to oreder from a fake abusive brand.

  48. Bealls and Burlington are great places as well!

  49. where can you see these promo codes like if you dont follow every influencer haha

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