Trump's Tesla Stunt Flops as Stock Drops, Sales Plummet Amid Anti-Musk Protests: A Closer Look

Trump's Tesla Stunt Flops as Stock Drops, Sales Plummet Amid Anti-Musk Protests: A Closer Look

Seth takes a closer look at Tesla’s stock continuing to drop amid plummeting sales and nationwide protests over Elon Musk’s role in dismantling the federal government.

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Trump’s Tesla Stunt Flops as Stock Drops, Sales Plummet Amid Anti-Musk Protests: A Closer Look – Late Night with Seth Meyers

Late Night with Seth Meyers


  1. Musk is NOT a genius. Not even close. My old,dirty work shoe,now there’s a Genius!😂😂😜

  2. Keep boycotting all of his products and services

  3. @edwaldocamargo4387 March 16, 2025 at 11:23 pm

    É preciso que as autoridades dos Estados Unidos da América respeite a manifestação do povo dos Estados Unidos da América sobre o governo Trump. Sem isso existe de tudo nos Estados Unidos da América menos democracia

  4. @romeo40maypole30 March 16, 2025 at 11:24 pm

    Tesla sales in Europe gonna go to Sh*t🤞

  5. One of the richest man is mixing with the most powerful man in the world – dangerous cocktail combi !!!

  6. I think what he said was Teslur. Emphasis on slur. Meanwhile, american tax payers are going to be paying for these cost cuts for generations. Do you really think you can annex and extraxt canadian ore for less than what we sell them for? No. In all this chaos are trump and cronnies pocketing some government paychecks? And you do realize who has more sattelites than military? Gonna boycott those too? 😂

  7. US under control of an immigrant approved as an american. Color makes a big big difference

  8. Hold that desk man

  9. super dumb and super weird and icky. ALSO neither engineer nor inventor.

  10. This was terrific. Thank you, Seth.

  11. @DebraBoucher-r6t March 16, 2025 at 11:31 pm

    What a nut! Impeach tRump

  12. Trying very hard to Make America Great Again (not working at all…) the whole world is enjoying the circus 😂😂😂😂😂

  13. Good Luck wrtiting your history books for schools.

  14. I’ve called out his accent before, and I don’t really care about people’s accents but you can always tell when it’s fake.

  15. Musk was high… on special K. He and his Ketamine Kids Krew

  16. Who was at $400B, paid not the twenty percent income tax YEARS running, an salutes like an 1890s german oligarch? Eon must. Booo

  17. @Mariacarline1986 March 16, 2025 at 11:38 pm

    😂😂the impression gets me every time

  18. @jeromethemechanic6871 March 16, 2025 at 11:38 pm

    Meanwhile Democrats and Republicans unite to pass the Project 2025 government spending bill.

  19. Musk is an imbecile. He’s made a fortune throwing daddy’s money around and got lucky a couple times. He’s NOT SMART! That’s ridiculous.

  20. @deborahfurman3022 March 16, 2025 at 11:40 pm

    Maga tanking

  21. Your joke on a nine mile a hour tesla may be the next “dieselgate” can somebody look at the numbers? Here in Europe it seems all Teslas are driving very slow on highways. Think they are showing 90 miles/h when doing 70, forging the kwh figure against other ev cars

  22. your trump impression has been on point lately 🙂

  23. Trump wasn’t tying to say Tesla, he was just admitting that he loves to slur.

  24. Seth uses MSNBC, a partisan political opinion network, as a news source.

  25. @kittykattastegood March 16, 2025 at 11:47 pm

    I missed you.❤🎉

  26. Tesle-r

  27. Incompetent power

  28. We need Gary Stevenson as a guest and a segment about growing Wealth inequality. It may not exactly be fun, but it might be the most crucial thing late-night shows could do to support the working class!
    I really hope Seth read this and is open to the idea.

  29. Have you ever imagined a US president as a telemarketer? You don’t have to now.

  30. Musk is another victim of Trumpism – everything Trump touches fails. Secondly, I’m willing to bet that Musk put that WHOLE ACT ON for the cameras. Trying to milk sympathy – Step 1 for a narcissist

  31. @EnterChernnerlName March 16, 2025 at 11:56 pm

    "A sound policy is rooted both in morality and pragmatism", the current is based in neither.
    If Elon Musk were smart enough, and not greedy enough, he would have stayed out of politics, therefore, his portfolio and Tesla could have been more than one trillion today. He would not have been politicized in one way or another. Trump coming to public eyes also brought up his unfavorable past, and created more enemies he didn’t need.
    Most powerful and wealthiest people in the world are wisely unknown. It turned out that being in the eyes of the public is not like it cracked up to be. He now worth a little over $300B which may even go lower, if he’s lucky and can change course on vital social programs, while gradually stepping out of politics, his assets and popularity may soar.
    To chop down a tree, you may use a ‘chainsaw’ if you wish, but for stuff like this, you got to use your brain, you know that for sure.

  32. Calling Musk an engineer is insulting to all of us that are…

  33. Fred Armisen would tell you it’s not called a rimshot. – a caring jackal

    Police protection for TESLA dealers

  35. While MuskRAT used Diaper Don for his swasticar salesman he forgot everything Diaper Don touches turns into crap!

  36. @jenniferhoisington66 March 17, 2025 at 12:01 am

    To answer the question of how Musk could be so smart and so stupid at the sametime he IS on the highly functioning end of the autisum spectrum so while he’s very knowable about technical matters his ability to connect on a socialemotional level is stunted so his ability to admit he failed isn’t really there With all that said it does NOT mean autistic individuals don’t know right from wrong and Musk is high functioning enough to know his way of doing things could be offputting to others and have someone to proof read his speaches and be blunt in telling him Dude this ain’t gonna fly That’s where the God complex power tripegomanic entitlment enter the picture

  37. Trump is like a black hole of influecing people. Elon Musk is his latest victim puting him next to Giuliani and all the others. I thought Musk was smart.

  38. The man with the crazy hair on the stage with Musk is the dictator of Argentina. He gave Musk the chainsaw after doing the exact same stunt in Argentina. He and Musk are long time buddies.

  39. I’m from the UK but take an interest in US politics and often find your political commentators very amusing. First time seeing this guy and he isn’t funny at all. How has he become popular?

  40. Leave it to the left to turn on their beloved green vehicles and an autistic man. 😂 Nice.

  41. @robertmccown7525 March 17, 2025 at 12:04 am

    Musk has renamed the chainsaw to the democrats epidural tissue disrupter. 😂

  42. What Kenedy meant was he likes what musk is doing, he just wants him doing it in secret.

  43. OK! You f’d that voice so good its like you were born/designed/engineered to do that!

  44. And that it was an explosive back door cabinet meeting?

  45. Musk is like a little kid ! Brilliant and youthful ! 😂

  46. Tesla + Hitler =Tesler

  47. @lynnvanharen4963 March 17, 2025 at 12:12 am

    Go back to your other businesses!

  48. This is one funny piece 😂😂😂😂

  49. Did you just say that Marco Rubio unloads on Elon musk

  50. Sean Duffy unloaded on musk. POOP Elon musk DOESN’T UNDERSTAND WHAT’S HAPPENING. What a surprise.

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