Late Night – Official Trailer | Amazon Studios
Late Night – Official Trailer | Amazon Studios
Katherine Newbury (Emma Thompson) is a pioneer and legendary host on the late-night talk-show circuit. When she’s accused of being a “woman who hates women,” she puts affirmative action on the to-do list, and—presto!—Molly (Mindy Kaling) is hired as the one woman in Katherine’s all-male writers’ room. But Molly might be too little too late, as the formidable Katherine also faces the reality of low ratings and a network that wants to replace her. Molly, wanting to prove she’s not simply a diversity hire who’s disrupting the comfort of the brotherhood, is determined to help Katherine by revitalizing her show and career—and possibly effect even bigger change at the same time.
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Late Night – Official Trailer | Amazon Studios
Amazon Studios
This movie is INCREDIBLE
Today, February 29 2024, I watched the movie for the first time on a TV channel of Latin America called "I-SAT". Today, it’s the last day on air of the channel. The movie was good.
This would have been a great tv series…
Watched this on BBC iplayer, didn’t make laugh, only smile occasionally. Disappointing. US comedy never beats British comedy.
Movie is definitely something you should watch. The trailer doesn’t do it justice. The movie makes you feel something whether it be laughter or a welcomed distraction.
Ellen lol
Laughed and cried throughout the whole movie, great performances and writing — they truly made me care about the characters. I also liked that even though that there’s a bit of romance in the film, it doesn’t deviate from the main plot. Excellent watch!!!
Emma Thompson and Mindy Kaling is all I need!
Hilarious! I was going to watch Late Night With the Devil and this came up instead. It just about didn’t stop with the quips. Since it was non-stop pure comedy I would have liked even the poignant parts to also be funny. Their tantrums were funny but they translated into the few serious TV bits which weren’t. Just take that material and put it onto the show portion too. That’s the only issue I had. It was so funny it never ever should have lulled, not for one minute. They could have even done some movie magic and made those comic off stage tantrums into the TV bits, and we saw that in hindsight, or it was implied. You don’t have to make everything completely realistic. You can suspend disbelief. It is a movie. A couple of the jokes were funnier in the trailer. In the movie those clips should have been cut 2 seconds earlier. You had all the material. Just tweak the edit. With the raw material we should have been laughing out loud the entire movie. News of the affair should have been hilarious, not maudlin. With a film this snappy not one moment should have been lost.
I finally finished the movie and I find it interesting how Kate is like Ellen Degeneres and that it had her sort of be mean as Ellen eventually was called out for the following year. Also I thought the funniest jokes were the ones outside of Kates talk show. Kate herself didn’t seem that funny
This is a late night for me sarks, I best get myself to sleep pronto, sweet dreams 😘😘😘
Trailer is OK – But the Movie itself is Great – would highly recommend!
This is actually a good movie and underrated
Loved how smart this movie was.
No PC bullshit. No "pro people of colour" or "white supremacy" nonsense. A well balanced, well written story that valorises both white men and diversity. A real lesson for all.
There’s good in all of us.
I know I’m a bit late (get it?) but I think Emma Thompson absolutely carried this movie
Great movie!!
Wow, just wow. I enjoyed this movie and it had a lot of heart to it and no cringe moments. I finished it and rewatched it immediately. Something I’ve never done with any movie. It’s also motivating that you might not have the educational background of whatever job you want, but through passion, hard work, and creativity, the sky is the limit. I am just imagining if it was a series. I’d watch the hell out of the seasons and episodes.
This movie is gold
hits all the right notes is perfect amount of edgy and sarcastic
Just discovered that it’s not on netflix anymore… 🙁 where to rewatch? 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Oportunidade ímpar para conferir o talento da atriz inglesa Emma Thompson,o filme norte-americano Talk Show: Reinventando a Comédia,de Nisha Ganatra, é excelente!
Loved this movie
this was such a good and funny movie!! love mindy kaling
Spoiler alert. I thought Hugh Dancy was gonna get the girl again. So glad he didn’t, plus… wrinkles are charming only on Hugh Grant 😁.
Holy Jesus.
That was painful.
That looks like slow torture.
It’s just edgy comedy.
Me dije "veo media hora, pongo pausa y hago un poco de oficio"… Pues no. La vi toda de un tirón. Y en una parte reí a carcajadas. Que buen rato!
I love mindy kaling
Loved this movie! 👌🏻❤
Utter Piffle.
As someone that’s just finished the Office, seeing Kelley( yeah I spelt right, better than Jim) and Holly in the movie is very confusing
Just watched this. Didn’t think it was funny, but I enjoy both actresses.
Btw, is Katharine Newbury supposed to be loosely based on Ellen D.?
So it was soo wrong the majority of her writing staff were men but it’s great now that it’s mostly women🙄😬😳😔
Noooooooo why did she have to go and get a nose job love yourself
I just watched this film. It was fantastic!!! Bravo Emma and Mindy 💞💕
Execrable film. Yep, Mindy, your writing sucks.
Filmi izledim tv de.Gerçekten güzel bir etki bırakıyor .
Is this about Ellen DeGeneres just wondering
Man i love love love this movie so much. So funny so touching.
The most r@cist and sexist piece of cr@p ever put together in the history of modern humanity. It is NOT a movie, it’s an insult to anyone with brown skin. Thompson pretending to be a comedian is the only ‘fun’ part. You will hear lines like: "I wish a was a black woman so that I could any job I want without qualifications’. Yeah! And it gets even worse than that! The casting I basically segregation central before 1967. Classism is even worse than the r@cism in this celebration of wh666te suprem@cy.
Thompson proceeds to call all her ‘writers’ and ‘assistants’ by number because she cannot be bothered to remember poor people’s names.
Frankly, not only it is not funny, it’s really tragic to see the lowest of lows of mediocrity and abuse in the movie industry.
We need laws about about open and subtle r@cism and abuse in movies, especially US movies. Clearly organisations founded after slavery was abolished truly rule the country and the so-called ‘movie’ industry. Although in the case of the US it seems more appropriate to call it r!cist brarninwasging propaganda productions. Honestly, for your own mental health, do Not watch this thing.
It’s an amazing movie.
It was unexpectedly funny !! Watched it on netflix !
The firing part & rude shii reminds me of ELLENM getting Ratio’ed lol.
One of the ABSOLUTE WORST WOKE movies ever that attempts to create white guilt.
Way to go fucking up a perfectly good movie shoveling your woke crap down our throats! I don’t need any moral education from Bolshewokes!
Early in the film they talk of neopotism vs diversity hiring. They favored diversity. Not surprised. They’re both garbage. They make ‘jokes" about white privilege and pro choice. Its crap on my hand, and unicorn blood to a leftist.👎👎NO THANKS
boring horseshit
A pity I won’t watch it, because it’s on Amazon Prime and belongs to Bezos, who sucks up to Trump. So sad…
Depiction of Ellen I guess