In this video, I’m showing you the Top 10 dropshipping products to sell in January 2025. Enjoy!
Access the product list here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YZECqvrP0snT4p7Qzzfp6MpkT4ircNV7szjtFSEKmyw/edit?usp=sharing
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SHOPIFY – Free Trial + 3 Months $1 Each: https://shopify.pxf.io/achampton
AI STORE BUILDER – Get Your Store Built in Less Than 2 Minutes https://buildyourstore.ai/ac-hampton/
1-3 affiliates that were actually mentioned in this video for easy link access
Affiliate 1 (Website) SHOPIFY – Free Trial + 3 Months $1 Each: https://shopify.pxf.io/achampton
(Website) SHOPIFY – Free Trial + 3 Months $1 Each: https://shopify.pxf.io/achampton
(Product Research + Supplier) AUTODS – 30 Day Trial for $1: https://autods.com/ac
(Free Store Builder) AI STORE BUILDER – https://buildyourstore.ai/ac-hampton/
(Email Marketing) OMNISEND – Get 30% off for the first 3 months, use code AC30 https://your.omnisend.com/xLEGV5
(Domain) .STORE – Get your .Store domain for just $0.99 – use code ACSTORE at https://go.store/ac4
(Ad Creation) – SUPREME ECOM ADS – Use Code ALEX10 for 10% off orders https://supremeecomads.com/?ref=86&utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=How%20To%20Start%20Shopify%20Dropshipping%20in%202025&utm_campaign=ytvideo01
(Ad Creation) CAPCUT COMMERCE PRO – Create viral ads using AI, start your free trial capcutcommercepro.pxf.io/qzz79O
(Ad Creation) CAPCUT – Try 7 days of CapCut Pro for Free capcutaffiliateprogram.pxf.io/kOOmEv
(Shopify Apps) VITALS – Free 7-day trial https://vitals.co/shopify/2845514
(Print On Demand Tool) – GELATO: Get 50% OFF your FIRST order when
placed within 3 days of signing up: https://www.gelato.com/achampton
1-on-1 Mentorship: Apply for personalized 1-on-1 coaching: https://bit.ly/1on1-Mentorship
Blueprint 5.0 Course: Self-Paced A-Z Dropshipping Course: https://bit.ly/3IgacQG
Supreme University: Get everything you need to build a $10,000/month drop shipping store: https://bit.ly/SupremeUni
Free Training: Start learning for free: https://supremeecom.com/training/
Join my free Discord channel: https://discord.gg/supremeecom
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ac_hampton/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ac_hampton
X: https://x.com/HamptonAc_
Linktree: Stay updated with all the latest links https://linktr.ee/achampton
#Shopify #Dropshipping #ShopifyDropshipping #AcHampton
In my humble opinion the top for this cycle will be XAI508P
OMG crypto whales are buying $XAI208 😮
I dont even like XAI508P but now i can see it easily hittin $10 by Next month
yes pleaseeee
Amazing post & information. I took advantage of the 200% deposit.
Supreme January
How to start these business is someone care for me to reply 🙏 I’m from the Philippines ❤
With my $2M portfolio on the line, should I double down on XAI508P or play it safe as we near December 2024? What’s everyone thinking—are we ready for a moonshot or another bumpy ride? lets go XAI508P!!!
You have to put XAI508P also in your portfolio. If all plays out i think it could get to 10$ 🎉
I’ve just dropped $10,000 into XAI508P$, and I’m feeling like it’s a ticket to generational wealth! This AI-powered DeFi play is gonna be huge.
So my brother in law has $20 million XAI508P that he bought at $.01. I guess he will have $20000000
XAI508P going up like crazy! Pick up around 0.67 and now it’s hit $1! I wish i had bought more!
In your opinion, XAI508P for $10? 1 year or so?
Im pretty sure I heard Trump said buy all the XAI508P you can possibly buy
Ronaldo would buy XAI508P
Supreme January, I recently finished my dropshipping store a few days back and what I want to achieve is generational wealth for my family but most importantly I want to be successful by doing what interest me and that is business.
My auto Ds is giving problem
Thank you for this I’m already looking into this
supreme january, I want to start my dropshipping buisness of strong and would love some aditional help, btw your videos are great for learning and I love it that you are honest about the cost of the buisness
Could you explain the strategies you employ to attract customers when your prices are two to three times higher than those on Amazon, even with next-day delivery options available?
Don’t let Elons’s XAI508P$ pass you by. This is a monumental moment in history, and you don’t want to be left out of the loop. Get in on the ground floor now!
XAI508P is on steroids.. GREEN GREEN GEEEN
I’m really getting bullish on the XAI508P eco system
Bro me and my family want to start dropshipping can you give me some hints?
SUPREME JANUARY I’ll e gratefull If I get selected
Is it too late to buy XAI508P at $0.90?
supprems January My goal is to get my get my store launched I’m not computer friendly and I haven’t been in school in a really long time but I’m taking digital marketing course and trying my hand drop shipping I’ve been doing the digital marketing for almost 2 months and I and I started reading about drop shipping about 2 weeks ago I’ve got my Shopify store my auto DS everything’s linked together I’m having a little bit of problems launching and navigating my way through all this but I will do I will make it failure is not an option
So thank you very much
XAI508P will at least 30X! I love that project!!
supreme january, my goal is to make any amount of money
🚫🧢 Bro You Are A Real One. Great Value As Always…💯💪🏾
SUPREME JANUARY i am 12 and want to get into drop shipping and don’t know how to get started
XAI508P is massively undervalued
I see XAI508P$ everywhere. Could someone help explain what XAI508P$ is?
Supreme January, hoping to leave my 9-5 finally and give long-deserved time to my family, especially my newborn
Can you pls say if i can really make minus money or i just wont male money if my shop fails?
⭐Supreme Ecom 1-on-1 mentorship! Apply here https://bit.ly/1on1-Mentorship
✅Join my FREE Training: https://supremeecom.com/training/
I want to start this business this year, who will help me out?
Thanks i want meet you one days
Amazing nuggets in this video!! Thank you!
BOOM! Bought in at the start of XAI508P with $10k and turned it into a quick $70K profit and got out of there. DON’T GET GREEDY!
did you know that even Ronaldo is now using XAI508P?
Supremo janeiro
XAI508P family stay strong , stable and Focused to let XRP GO TO MARS IN A SMOOTH ENJOYABLE TRIP .
Supreme January, not sure if that still works. But I’ve been wondering, haven’t been able to reach you by email so I’m commenting here. I’ve found this Smart Hydration Tracking Water Bottle (with LED reminders and an app), I wanted your input on whether this is a good item to dropship or not. Thank you. My Goal is to prove my parents wrong, they get mad at me for always being on my electronics and not focusing on school (which I focus on school a ton). So I’d like to show them that me being on my phone, laptop, iPad, etc. can support me in the future.
SUPREME JANURY – Start selling – profit doesn’t matter to me at this point
supreme january. love your videos bro!!