I was friends with a boy from California when I was 13 and I was genuinely so shocked when he asked me what Menards was. I went into excruciating detail about it lol
Am văzut comentariul vostru, la postarea “ Speranța și Prietenii “ ! Așa cum au preluat și tranformat acea melodie a grupului Irlandez, așa fac cu toate cântecele luate de la alți, fie ei compozitori cunoscuți sa anonimi . In plus, nu sunt ei grupul “ Speranța și Prietenii “ ! Grupul acela mare din poza, este adevăratul grup dar nu și cei care cânta . Cei care cânta, fac parte din biserica Adventista, care își însușească numele acestui grup și muzica creștina in general, pentru a acapara adepți la biserica Adventista . Grupul real, Speranța si Prieteni “ este un grup vechi de prin anii 1993 si liderul se numește Gabriel Gorcea . Îl puteți găsi si după nume . Și eu am comentat la acea postare, in legătura cu ce v-am explicat si înainte ca sa văd comentariul dumneavoastră ! Îmi cer scuze pentru îndrăzneala de a va aborda.
Okay, so this is purely anecdotal on my end and I can’t be entirely certain that this wasn’t a complete hallucination from my childhood — but when I was about ten or eleven, my parents got a handheld tape recorder and I spent a summer goofing around with it, recording my own farts, and so on.
I had a mildly pathological obsession at the time with Menards and the Menards Guy — because of the obvious parallel between Menards and "my nads," but also for the whole Menards aesthetic, which felt like it belonged to an alternate universe version of the seventies where people got super into banjo music and sawdust instead of disco and cocaine. I don’t know where I’m going with this.
Anyway, I used the tape recorder to record the Menard’s jingle so I could torment my friends with it at the push of a button. But when I played it back, I discovered something bizarre: at the tail end of the jingle — "at Menards!" — the background vocalists chime in with "hardware store!" The vocal part is in the upper range and, as far as I can tell, isn’t audible in any of the recordings I’ve found of the jingle. But for whatever arcane sonic reason, "hardware store!" was clearly audible on my tape recorder. At the time, I insisted to my friends that this was the case and even showed a few of them the recording. But few believed me or seemed to care. I suppose this will forever remain a mystery to me unless I can get in touch with the original pickin’ and strummin’ rustic geniuses who penned and performed this bop in the first place.
Wanna see menards boy?
This has been stuck in my head for years now
Canada needs to save big money at menards
Everybody welcome to marnards where we replay the same thing in the speaker every day do u don’t forget to come back😊😊😊😊
How could Menards do if they expanded nationwide?
uh oh
for a year i thought menards was a candy until i saw an ad of menards 2 months ago, NASCAR fans hear this alot i cant be the only one
Fap to porno at Menards!
ah yes the sound i hear whenever I’m going to cheyenne wyoming
When modern human civilization falls, our stone age descendents will call this the Hymn of Menards, one of the Builder God’s of Americas.
I was friends with a boy from California when I was 13 and I was genuinely so shocked when he asked me what Menards was. I went into excruciating detail about it lol
A factorio mod brought me here
"Plumbing, electrical appliances too – the savings will always come right back to you"
Muy mal servicio compra uno las cosas y luego no las quieren des cambiar
Made this my text ringtone
i heard this in a microwave society video
POV: it’s Friday night and you’re about to watch 23 ARCA drivers pile up in the first corner of the first lap
Save Big Money At Menards
Am văzut comentariul vostru, la postarea “ Speranța și Prietenii “ ! Așa cum au preluat și tranformat acea melodie a grupului Irlandez, așa fac cu toate cântecele luate de la alți, fie ei compozitori cunoscuți sa anonimi . In plus, nu sunt ei grupul “ Speranța și Prietenii “ ! Grupul acela mare din poza, este adevăratul grup dar nu și cei care cânta . Cei care cânta, fac parte din biserica Adventista, care își însușească numele acestui grup și muzica creștina in general, pentru a acapara adepți la biserica Adventista . Grupul real, Speranța si Prieteni “ este un grup vechi de prin anii 1993 si liderul se numește Gabriel Gorcea . Îl puteți găsi si după nume . Și eu am comentat la acea postare, in legătura cu ce v-am explicat si înainte ca sa văd comentariul dumneavoastră ! Îmi cer scuze pentru îndrăzneala de a va aborda.
If you haven’t seen this store, you’ve never BEEN to the midwest
went to college in SC. nobody knew what menards was. had to educate the people
The saving place!
Best root beer
The only thing missing now is Where do you save big money?
Came here to feel something. I don’t here this jingle in the west coast.
I’m not even from the midwest yet I heard this on the tv more times than I can count.
Any other Kentuckians here?
PAL pitch: 18 August 2021
This always reminds me of going to Iowa to visit relatives. (I’m a Georgia girl.)
If you watched WPSD Local 6, this jingle is engraved in your memory
The home of door locks, floor cleaner, and utz cheeze balls
slow down nine tell me what happened
More like spend big money at Menards 😂
@Nimesh Patel, this is on you
I saw Menards at Kearney!😄
i’m here cus Tim Walz lol
Okay, so this is purely anecdotal on my end and I can’t be entirely certain that this wasn’t a complete hallucination from my childhood — but when I was about ten or eleven, my parents got a handheld tape recorder and I spent a summer goofing around with it, recording my own farts, and so on.
I had a mildly pathological obsession at the time with Menards and the Menards Guy — because of the obvious parallel between Menards and "my nads," but also for the whole Menards aesthetic, which felt like it belonged to an alternate universe version of the seventies where people got super into banjo music and sawdust instead of disco and cocaine. I don’t know where I’m going with this.
Anyway, I used the tape recorder to record the Menard’s jingle so I could torment my friends with it at the push of a button. But when I played it back, I discovered something bizarre: at the tail end of the jingle — "at Menards!" — the background vocalists chime in with "hardware store!" The vocal part is in the upper range and, as far as I can tell, isn’t audible in any of the recordings I’ve found of the jingle. But for whatever arcane sonic reason, "hardware store!" was clearly audible on my tape recorder. At the time, I insisted to my friends that this was the case and even showed a few of them the recording. But few believed me or seemed to care. I suppose this will forever remain a mystery to me unless I can get in touch with the original pickin’ and strummin’ rustic geniuses who penned and performed this bop in the first place.
Even though this still plays in the store, it still brings back memories!
brutalmoose fans?
Save Big Money At Menards
ouch menards
There’s a guy named renard and everytime i see him i always say with his name
Save big money at renards 😂😂😂😂😂
He laughs at it
I heard this ALL the time until my family moved down to Georgia.